summer is here.

today is summer solstice!
aka: the first day of summer...
aka: the LONGEST day of the YEAR!

Okay so first i must say that ive been waiting and waiting since like fall for the perfect time to use the above photo and finally i got the feeling that today was the day!
Just imagine me seeing it everyday and not being able to use it...

so anyway...
today is the day for celebrating all the things i LOVE about summer!
ice cream all the time!
my sister and i will hit up yogurtland at least two or three times a week for summer.
sad but true.

mmMm... and ill be getting iced soy (ofcourse) lattes all the time!
[photo via howaboutorange]

beach time!!
(and this will happen more now that they've moved my murder mystery show to the actual beach... yay!)

and now i'll be breaking out more skirts and dresses.

[via blouse]

ha! and if not a dress or skirt then im at home in my swim suit ...while working.

...and it's officially time for "island feet" if not open toes or sandals ;-))

mmmMmm and i make summer meals like fruit for breakfast with pancakes!

sandwiches everyday for me!

this one is my new obsession...
*it's a cheese everything bagel vegetarian sandwich with swiss 
(from WestCoast Bagel)...yumm*

and of course we eat everything outside!

windows open and natural light ALLL day!

ahhh :)

oh! and doesn't summer make for perfcet photo ops!?


i LOVE that the sun doesn't go down until after 8!

my sister Dani and I will spend our evenings living at Disney :))

and last but not least...

the summer naps!!

i LOVE you summer!
and im SO glad you are here.


[all other photos via weheartit+tumblr+my iphone]