cool & cute.

well, hello everyone :))
...and happy weekend!

I have a busy evening ahead of me as I will be singing on stage at my church... but before the busy get's to me I wanted to share some folks with you who in my opinion are...
++super cool & cute couples++

starting with...
 the very cool and so amazing in her own fashion Suzanne of Spanish Moss Vintage and her also very cool husband. 

i LOVE their look.

they always look great and Suzanne inspires me MAJOR with her vintage americana meet's gypsy apparel and her BLOG full of so much eye candy

i actually saw them (a long time ago, before they were married) at Native Foods in Costa Mesa... my sister saw Suzanne and joked "oh here comes Spanish Moss!" and I looked and did a double take cus it was actually them!!
... they sat down, we finished our food and left without saying anything... i was TOO "star struck"

aren't they CUTE!!?

 next is...
The beautiful Elizabeth Messina and her husband!
i follow Elizabeth's blog Kiss The Groom and honestly can scroll over the photos for hours!
Her photo's are SO cool! i LOVE that she loves to photograph crowns!
BUT... look how cool her family is!

Usually you see photos of her kids but I was so excited when she posted photos from HER OWN wedding!

Oh man... aren't' they cool??

yeah :))


Next up is...
The world famous Elsie and Jeremy! 
LOL! No really... her BLOG, A Beautiful Mess is like insanely great and one of my daily reads!
AND she's the owner of the online artsy shop Red Velvet Art! 

Oh and yes! that's Jeremy Larson (singer songwriter)...
aren't they adorable!?
her blog and business are my inspiration as a fellow blogger and business owner! i hope to one day have the success that she has ...all while looking so COOL :))

Can they get any cooler?? great!

Up next is...
Oh boy! i LOVE these guys! My new favorite band, Pomplamoose... Natalie and Jack!
I've blogged about them before.
They are cooler than cool... and you'll see when you check out their music and videos on their site!

i just LOVE them and i LOVE watching Jack jam out as they record all their recording of the songs and turn them into music videos...

i really can't explain the coolness... just go take a look for yourself!

they are awesome!

yay!! Look who's next!
...The amazing singer song write Tyrone Wells and his wife!
Okay first off I want to say that not only are they cool and cute but I've loved Tyrone Wells' music for years now... I was jammin to him in college when a friend locked me in his car and made me listen to Tyrone and Jason Mraz... LOL.
I haven't been the same since.

Oh yeah and these two are even more beautiful in person... inside and out!
I got to meet them both (in an RV of al things that my church set up for them to hang out in) before they both did a show! 

he's adorable and she's like breath taking beautiful... you must go listen to their music if you haven't already!
LOVE them!!

Actually, I have to give my sister credit for leading me to the super cool BLOG, Rockstar Diaries where you will find "taza & husband"... 
Naomi is super stylish and her husband actually is TOO!!
...oh, and their bulldog Kingsley totally makes them fly off the too cool chart!

photos over burgers and fries!!!
aren't they insanely CUTE!?!


oh eeek! I'm SOO excited about who's next...
James and her boyfriend fiance Aubrey!!!
yay!! i was checking twitter while grocery shopping late last night (like at midnight) and he had tweeted that he "put a ring on it" LOL!!!

aren't they cute!!?
 James of BlueBirdVintage also has one of my favorite BLOGs to read for inspo and amazingness!
She has the cutest kids with one on the way!!!

aren't they super cool!?

engaged!! ....yay!! 

next is a totally fun couple...
Gabe and his wife Coury of FancyTreeHouse
Gabe is actually the brother in law of one of my really good friends and Coury's love of fashion and her look totally inspire me every time i see a photo of her!

i used to run into Gabe a lot as he is a musician and used to be in a band called Castledoor *Listen to Dumpster Diving!* and (long ago) a cool boy band called PlusONE <-- they have the BEST Xmas album... hands down!

ha! look how cute they are!

Coury's look NEVER fails me!!
LOVE it!

well that was fun!