manic monday.

 hi everyone!
WOW, what a day! I had the craziest weekend and I allowed myself to sleep in. My plan was to get all this stuff done today BUT... I decided to just cool off.
I DID make my sister and I lunch though! ....I made (in the microwave) some quinoa with veggies and we split a grilled cheese sandwich :o) ...and it was YUMMO!
so anyway... here's some inspo for the end of this manic monday...
black and white style!
starting with the young kennedy's in a photo booth... don't you LOVE it!!?

 LOVE this extreme closeup of kate! know i love freckles.

 i DIE over this one of Lucy! ...isn't she divine!?

 jon hamm = YES!

 Marilyn...LOVE! **i WANT that purse so bad!

 ray lamontagne's music gets me through my working days.

 martha stewart in her modeling days.... did you DIE!!?

 Zooey never fails me with her vintage look!

 oh mick :)

 pretty kate winslet.

 audrey "dressed down" is always a fave!

 david bowie and iman.... i LOVE these two for like EVER!

 i copied madonna in the 80's ....but didn't we all!?

shatner & nimoy do lunch... LOVE it!

that was a lot! 
was that too many photos?? 

other photos via