
hello hello.
what a day! day light savings time was rough when the alarm went off this morning! 
but the day was nice and I had so much fun performing with Jordan Frye and the band today!

here some inspo...
starting with the above spring/summer outfit via free people.... *le sigh* isn't it dreamy!?
i wish for it to be mine!

inspo to enjoy spring.

inspo to laugh!

inspo to look this amazing at 46 like audrey did!

inspo to go for a nice walk... cute boy included is nice too!

inspo to always dream... the first thing i wanted to be as a child was a ballerina!

inspo to do this DIY project soon soon soon!

classic inspo.

inspo to dream about all things southwestern!

inspo to enjoy the view! ...i LOVE tee-pees!

happy monday everyone & 
have a good week!

other photos via