obsessed with it.

 I'm SO totally obsessed with...
Emma Watson's NEW hair cut!
I was in the magazine section and saw her on the December cover of Marie Claire and I just gasped. It's SO twiggy chic ...no?
Please note:
I'm NOT a PotHead (Harry Potter Fan) like at all...
So it has nothing to do with that and who she is...I just really thought she looked so beautiful on the cover with her new-do... so I bought the mag :o)
I've been wanting to talk about it for over a month now so here are my favorite photos of her new hair!
the cover shot.

twiggy ...right!?

 totally LOVE this.

and my favorite shot of the whole shoot was this dance move collage!
here legs look super great :)

that's all... 
SO glad i finally got that off my chest!
what do you think of her new hair cut?

photos via