5 things you might NOT know about me!
Oh hi everyone!
This is a test post from my iPhone. I want to be able to blog on the go sometimes so let's see how this new app works!! ;-)
1. I have 9 piercings and 4 tattoos.
(one piercing is in my tongue)
2. When I wake up... I lay in bed in silence for at least an hour just thinking.
3. I am 8 years older than my sister who is also my best friend AND business partner!
4. I am a pretty good barista! I worked for Starbucks for 3+ years and I enjoyed it! (I miss making lattes too)
5. I am afraid of Niagra Falls ...I don't even like to think about it.
That was fun!
How do you feel about me now?? LOL!!

Until next time! XO...
- Posted via my iPhone &hearts
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