calling all sponsors!

Hi everyone!
So spring is here and the end of the month is just around the corner which means...
I am now officially accepting sponsors to promote for April! 

The Drops Of Jupiter BLOG has officially attracted over *12,200* monthly visits from all over the world and is constantly growing!

DOJ readers include the vintage obsessed, tattoo lovers, rock n' rollers, nerdists, grunge kids, hipster men, gypsie ladies, hippies, closet goths, tom boys and girly girls!!

April is going to be a great time to promote with new fancycatvintage listings coming to the scene for spring and Tattoo Tuesday's (on the street) going into full effect!!

For more information and to reserve a spot NOW please go here. For questions or interest in promoting with a *Discount for SPRING* email me at dropsofjupiterblog AT gmail DOT com. 
