manic monday.

hello there!
well im back home from our fabulous getaway. achey muscles from snow boarding and a bloated tummy from stuffing my face with lots of yummy foods. so i took a day of to get settled back at home and hang out with my sister and watch movies. we watched half of The Bodyguard (whitneeeyyyy #sadface) and then went to see The Chronicles ...and then did some shopping/thrifting ...and then came back home to finish The Bodyguard. 
So I'm hoping this photo of David Bowie amazingness will suffice until the tattoos go up tomorrow (i mean im personally good for like the rest of the year based on that turquoise suit alone!!) ...yes?

OH!! and link me to your BLOGS! ...i want to bring back BLOG LOVE for spring (yes, i got your emails... my reply coming soon) AND...well, i want to see what you guys do too!
***if you're interested in getting a banner up of YOUR blog on my BLOG LOVE section for Spring, email me at dropsofjupiterBLOG [at] gmail [dot] com.


photo via