sunday inspiration.

Happy New Year everyone!
I am just so excited to have a new year to start all over. I LOVE STARTING FRESH!
so today's sunday inspo is goal themed ....i just let the photos inspire me for the new year! 
...they did a good job too. 
 this photo reminded me that now that the the holidays are over i want to pay attention to what i eat. not saying im going to diet or anything like that BUT...i'd like to be aware of "junk" and enjoy more "time taking" meals. ***inspired by the home made cuppy cakes!

 inspo to always care about what i wear (even if im just running to the post office) never know who's being inspired by you right??

 Coury combs of fancytreehouse is a perfect example of always having on something cute! 
i LOVE the leopard collar!  
PS. this phoot is major inspo to do more outfit reports...(and keep my camera on me always)

 inspo via the sartorialist to build my maxi skirt collection...

 ...and be ready for spring/summer 2012!

 inspo to reward myself with "me time pampering & treats" when i finish my to-do list. this will help to keep me on track/schedule and cut down on my random spending ...(wink wink)

 inspo to keep my nails pretty... especially if i'm going to treat myself with an ice cream cone! 

 inspo to take more REAL photos with a camera & share them with you guys!! 
...gotta give my iphone a break sometimes... (i have almost 5000 photos...YIKES.)

inspo to get back into taking care of myself physically and make sure i LOVE it :O)

...and the list goes on. 
maybe i'll be able to share some more 2012 goals via photo inspo with you later.
until next time... have a great rest of your new years day! im going to have some din din with my fam and then do some mental organizing... whatever that means.

other photos via