the dark side.

 its a small small world...
i mean seriously. i remember featuring Dan Smith (of LA Ink ....AND an ink haver crush of mine) on the blog for his tattoos and of course photos of his band for the amazing ink haver photos alone... BUT this past week i went into total shock after realizing (...with a little help thanks to my GURRRL and co-worker Esther of putting two and two together) that I actually work with one of the guys in Dan's band The Dear and Departed ...gasp! i know... 

So thank you thank you thank you to the sweet Darren Parkinson for letting me feature him (above) and his amazing halloween look for all my fellow closet goths! 

***i see amazing tattoo photos in my future!!***'s more...enjoy.


 i like it... sue me.



and just and FYI... The Dear & Departed new album Every Waking Moment came out on Tuesday... perrrrrrrrrrfect!

other photos via