a tribute to steve.
Why am i saying thank you to steve jobs? i'm sure i don't really need to answer that question as the answer is simply because he has changed the world via his gifts. (Do i really need to go into how much i LOVE my iPhone & how amazing it is?? ...probably not.) BUT something you might not know is that i've had a very recent life change through the Apple company.
I was offered a position at one of their stores here in Southern California and I accepted!!
...Mr. Jobs passed away two days before my first day of training...

So today I finished my second day of training and all I can say is ...amazing! Words can NOT express my excitement and how proud I am and how humbling it is to be apart of the apple family.
My-Life-Is-Officially-Changed first i must say because of God!!... and second because of the gifts He gave Steve & i'm LOVING it!

So here's my little tribute to Steve... enjoy.
vintage apple symbol LOVE forever!

 nerd LOVE.

jobs & woz ....RESPECT.

I can't believe I am getting paid to "play with computers & make amazing friends!" and it's not everyday that you hear me say that I'm excited for my alarm to go off at 6AM so I can go to work!
so... thank you thank you thank you Steve!!

other photos via