Good Bye 20's!!!

Bye Bye Bye!!!
I guess I'm using this post as a way to say good bye to my 20's.
YES... tomorrow (in a couple hours) I will be 30!
So many things happened to me in my 20's ....things I've learned from and things I am so grateful for!

In my 20's I...
had my first kiss.
became a dance teacher.
started playing guitar.
became a live entertainer, singer, actress.
performed with a band.
shrunk down to a size 3.
graduated from college.
became friends with my sister.
started my own business.
traveled alone.
moved out into my own apartment.
moved back home 9 months later.
traveled around Europe.
found and joined an amazing church.
became a barista.
left the corporate world.
got my own website.
lost 2 pets.
lost 3 grand parents.
got my first, second, third and fourth tattoos.
got my heart broken.
healed to be stronger than i ever was.
went on a mission trip.
started a blog.
met John Mayer.
went on a cruise with John Mayer.
learned to snowboard.
became a Bible study leader.
met amazing people who i call my friends today.
Gave my life to GOD!

...and so much more.

So, today I officially told myself to be positive about the BIG 3-0's coming like it or not so better to be positive about it! RIGHT!!?

So thank YOU God for 3 decades :o)
I am who I am today because of HIS grace!!

Here's to 30 everyone!!!
