more cyber LOVE!

...and we're still goin' cyber over here!!!
it's officially CYBER MONDAY so here are some MORE deals...

 So if you're in LOVE with vintage... Beta Boutique is giving us 10% off!! 
Go crazy and use code "vintagelove" at checkout! enjoy :)

 Holy CUTE boots!!!
Luncheonette Vintage is giving DOJ readers an exclusive offer of 20% off through January!!! That's CRAZY!!! ...i know! Use our special code "soylattelunch" (ain't it CUTE!?) at check out.

 Ahhh the "nerdiest" vintage trinkets around can be found at Cathode Blue!!! i LOVE this shop so much! AND you can get 10% off today using the code "CB10C" COOL!

It's SO fabulous that Heidiroland has these four items up for $13 right now!! Go get them!!
PS. i totally DIE for the feather earrings!!!

Happy Cyber Monday everyone!!!!
...and don't forget about the amazing deals in my last post  BELOW!! 
I'll be back with an amazing give away later today.... 
XO, tif