oh hi everyone!!
it's October 1st and i am SO excited for what this month has coming.
fall. rain. cold air. layered outfits. hot drinks. halloween.
i can go on and on really.
soooo... i have this collection of mask photos in the DOJ files...
and i was thinking that it would be wayyyy too much if i showed them all to you in one post so i decided to start a series for the month of October (with halloween on it's way and all) ...perfect right!?
+a Month in Masks+
i will be sharing them little by little all month and i hope they inspire you as much as they inspire me!
here are some for starters!!

cat masks are really the best aren't they??

...and really, what's a tea party without masks??? :))
i LOVE this "perfect for fall" shot!
Where are my tights!!?
Lot's of fall post are on the way...
i have the next few days off and i plan on making the most of them :))
photos via tumblr&weheartit
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