friday. i'm in LOVE.

five things i LOVE.
aerial shots.
especially this one of a beach and all the pretty umbrellas by david zimmerman via blackeiffel.

food shots.
duh...and you can buy this yummy one here.

okay are you D-I-E'ing over this iphone case?? found here.
 ughhh LOVEs it. (tries to eat it like @RZrachelzoe)

i LOVE our NEW fancycatvintage website!
have you been to it yet?? we just put up new stuff!
use password: "disco" to get in 

...and yesterday we got our new tags in! aren't they adorable!!?

okay SO... i'm off to get to a busy day of errands and work. 
alllll while not feeling so good :-( BUT...12 hours from now i'll be DONE!
Looking forward to the weekend.